Kata Containers is Apache 2 licensed software consisting of two main components: the Kata agent, and the Kata Containerd shim v2 runtime. It also packages a Linux kernel and versions of QEMU, Cloud Hypervisor and Firecracker hypervisors.
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Get StartedKata Containers Integration with Kubernetes:

Integration Points
FirecrackerQEMUCloud HypervisorArchitecture support:
x86_64aarch64ppc64les390xHardware support:
Kata requires nested virtualization or bare metal. The Kata Containers runtime has a built-in command (kata-check) to determine if your host system is capable of running a Kata Container. Learn how to use kata-check.
Kata Containers is available on many distributions. View the [distro specific install guides](https://github.com/kata-containers/documentation/tree/master/install) for:
- CentOS
- Debian
- Fedora
- OpenSuse
- Ubuntu
Cloud Service Platform
Run Kata Containers on a cloud service platform: